Monthly Archives: July 2020

6 Bioscience

6 Bioscience Careers in High Demand during Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Emerging Jobs like Biomedical Engineering, Diagnostics, Virology, Microbiology, Stem Cell Therapy, and Regenerative Medicine.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), biomedical engineering plays an essential role in effective health care delivery and is employed by multi-disciplinary clinical and research teams in developing strategies for the diagnosis and management of many medical conditions. Further, biomedical engineering has demonstrated a remarkable capacity to revamp health systems in resource-limited environments through improvements in diagnosis and treatment.

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Key Takeaways

COVID-19 Impact: Key Takeaways From Our Articles

Coronavirus and its credit effects on companies. Credit Conditions and Information about industries— Auto, Aviation, Construction, Capital Goods, Chemicals, and Commodities.

“Key Takeaways

  • We now project a deeper GDP decline this year for most emerging market economies, mostly due to the worsening pandemic and a steeper fall in exports. Our forecast is for the average emerging market GDP (excluding China) to contract 4.7% this year, and then to grow 5.9% next year.
  • The 2020 global corporate default tally has reached 132, and has surpassed the 2008 full-year total of 127 defaults but remains below the 2009 year-to-date tally of 175. The oil and gas sector has the most number of defaults so far this year, with a total of 23.
  • For banks across the globe, we forecast credit losses of about $2.1 trillion for this year and next spurred by the pandemic, with $1.3 trillion this year–more than double the 2019 level. While around 60% of the forecast credit losses will arise in Asia-Pacific, the highest relative increases–more than double on average compared with 2019–will occur in North America and Western Europe.”

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8 Job Skills

8 Job Skills To Succeed In A Post-Coronavirus World

Forbes’ 8 Essential Skills Post Corona: Adaptability, Tech Savviness, Data Literacy, Coding, Leadership, and more.

Data Literacy

As the fuel of the 4th Industrial Revolution, data is a critical asset for every company. With the right data, companies are able to better predict the impact of future business disruptions and are better able to serve customers with the right products and services during or after any pandemic. Companies that understand business trends and shifting customer needs are better able to respond in the right way should a future pandemic come along. However, the data is useless to a company unless there is data literacy—people equipped with skills to understand the data and make better decisions because of it. Professionals with data literacy will be even more appealing to prospective employers than ever before.

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economy suggest

Contours of post-Covid economy suggest a new framework of employment

What is a “Gig” Economy and how will it change employment and the work place. What the Government and Private Sector must do to safeguard the new ecosystem.

COVID-19 has induced a domino effect in the global job market. A few days ago, a strange message landed in my LinkedIn inbox: Desperation was written all over the poignant plea for a job opening. Jobless since March, with an aged COVID positive mother to support, this highly qualified professional is now part of the gig economy. The word “gig”, associated till not too long ago with a group of travelling musicians, subsumes in its current parlance all freelancers, disconnected from the workplace. The drivers of Uber, the delivery boys of Zomato, the plumbers and electricians of Urban Clap make up the gig world. Mobility connects them; mobile empowers them. The gig economy is not confined to low-skilled jobs. Free-spirited mavericks find solace in it, as do creative geniuses.”

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coronavirus crisis

Future of work: What to expect after coronavirus crisis blows over

What to expect from working from home, changing your job profile, appraisals and increments, and dealing with a salary cut.


1. Job search

If you are affected by a salary cut implemented by your employer, figure out whether your job is at risk if your employer’s business continues to suffer. If yes, begin your job search immediately. When you seek a new role, always consider the stability of the next employer, and if that does not work out, where you will go next.

2. Variable pay

If you are confident about your contribution to the company and expect to be successful in the coming year, ask for an increase in your performance pay or commission. If you are in sales and deliver robust business, they will be happy to pay you a commission which can exceed the cut in your fixed income.”

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Opinion: Thinking about a new job after coronavirus? Don’t make this giant mistake

Doing sales is essential for any Business graduate. How to crack the job interview: From lack of understanding of the organisations culture, quality of the leadership team, and failing to do reference checks. 

So when the country begins to open back up, what kinds of opportunities might you look for? The least popular (but perhaps most useful) advice I give every year to M.B.A. graduates is to pick up sales experience as soon as possible—and the closer to the customer, the better.

Sadly, very few of my students heed this advice. Of every year’s crop of M.B.A. graduates, almost half will go into finance or consulting to avoid the hustle—and rejection—that are part of trying to sell something to flesh-and-blood customers. What they don’t realize is that 20 years down the road, many of their most successful classmates will have mastered the art of persuasion and gained the ability to identify an actual need. They will have built their careers on the ability to sell goods and services to flesh-and-blood humans. A quote from Zig Ziglar, a legendary salesman, author, motivational speaker and coach, applies here: “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

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FUTURE SHOCK: 25 job & career trends post COVID-19

With job losses in all sectors across the board, employees and corporations will need to learn to survive and then thrive. Using De-risking and Dynamic Self-management.

We are headed into a discussion on human despair, despondency, dejection, dread, devastation, and destruction … of not just dreams, but real lives. This essay is not on just jobs and careers and possible changes that are in store, but really on the carnage the virus will leave behind in its wake and how humankind will combat (if it will) the flattening out of the economy, which will create its own set of problems in hunger, disease, deprivation, social unrest, homelessness, and more. In Alvin Toffler’s book from which this series derives its name, Toffler talks about copability becoming more important than capability in the times to come. In the job market of tomorrow, both capability and copability will become of paramount importance as jobs change, work changes, working spaces change, compensation changes, work hours change and work availability itself becomes a source of stress and anxiety.

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How The Coronavirus Outbreak Will Change Careers And Lives For The Foreseeable Future

The pandemic’s affect on Socialist Policies. How Apple & Google will be impacted. The Widening Wealth Gap. How to Handle Losses— monetary or health related.

It wouldn’t be surprising if many high school graduates decide to enter the trades. They’ll look at their parents who’ve lost their jobs and older siblings who are crushed with hundreds of thousands in debt, while toiling in dead-end jobs far beneath what college promised, and think there has to be a better way. Becoming a union electrician, carpenter, plumber or craftsperson offers steady work, decent pay and good benefits. If a person has an entrepreneurial streak, they could then open their own business. Since so many people have gone to college and avoided the trades, there is a dire need for these “blue-collar” workers.

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What Does the Future of Work Look Like for Graduates Post-Coronavirus?

The role of education, a global university, and the importance of innovation for graduates.

Various entities have weighed in on the many ways in which the coronavirus could forever alter the workforce. CNBC rounded up 13 potential changes, including the following:

  • in-office work becomes a status symbol
  • the replacement of meetings with email and IM
  • the end of business travel as we know it
  • office buildings evolving into “elaborate conference centers”
  • mandatory on-the-job medical screenings
  • the emergence of stronger workplace friendships
  • the rise of casual office wear and mandatory face masks
  • a shift away from nine-to-five office hours
  • home office stipends
  • more equitable workplaces for women
  • the elimination of middle management positions
  • the acceleration of automation
  • increased demand for digital skills aimed at bridging the digital divide

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Finding Jobs

Finding Jobs And Building Careers In The Age Of COVID-19 And Beyond

Find out about jobs affected by COVID19, how to cover skill gaps, and how to stay focused & energised during the pandemic.

2. How can I address skill gaps I have to meet the realities and requirements of a post COVID-19 job market?

While learning new skills is always important and helpful, it is beneficial to be aware of and prioritize the skills and tools that will be in demand the most, both during and after the pandemic. Do I know what those skills are, or how can I figure that out? What is the best way to build those skills, and what are the best resources to use? Since there is a plethora of training providers and courses, how do I evaluate which learning options are the most relevant and conducive to help me advance- e.g. which ones are recognized in the industry, which have clearly defined and relevant learning objectives, etc.?

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