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Top 100 Universities

QS Rankings: Top 100 Universities

In the 2021 edition of the QS World University Rankings, just under half of the top 100 universities in the world are located in the US (which has 27 representatives) or the UK (18).

Rank University Location
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States
2 Stanford University United States
3 Harvard University United States
4 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States
5 University of Oxford United Kingdom
6 ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Switzerland
7 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
8 Imperial College London United Kingdom
9 University of Chicago United States
10 UCL (University College London) United Kingdom

For a complete rundown of the world’s top 100, check out—

Customer Service

Customer Service (Short Course)

Earn a certification on Customer Service to give you a boost in industry. It has no entry requirements. The course has 20 hours of content packed with information about Knowing you Customers’ Needs, Importance of Customer Feedback, Training and Development, and more!

Oxford Home Study College is delighted to offer this entry-level free customer service course, completely free of charge!

“This exclusive free customer service course has been crafted by leading academics, with career advancement in mind. Whether looking to further your current position or branch out into a new career area entirely, targeted study can make all the difference.  And with no time restrictions or deadlines to worry about, you can fit your studies in around your current lifestyle and commitments.  Well provide you with all the course materials youll need to complete the course and no prior knowledge or experience is necessary to sign up. 

Over the course of five in-depth units, candidates explore the definition of customer service from a modern business perspective, along with effective strategies for evaluating the needs and expectations of customers.  Course content on Free Customer Service Courses also investigates customer complaints and feedback, the importance of ongoing staff training, how long-term customer relationships can benefit a business and additional related topics.

This free customer service course is available right now, 100% free and with no strings attached – enrol today online or by telephone.”


Link to the course:

Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

“FREE Certification Course

The Sales Enablement Certification will teach you how to develop a marketing-driven sales enablement strategy. This course was designed with marketing managers in mind, but other marketers as well as sales leaders can benefit from learning the principles involved in this approach to sales enablement. This course is made up of 12 classes and a 60-question exam.

Completing this course will help you:

– Align your marketing and sales teams around business-level goals

– Define your target customer using buyer personas and Jobs to Be Done

– Implement marketing processes that will provide your sales team with a steady flow of qualified leads.”


Sign Up or for more information check out—

Free Code Camp

Free Code Camp

Every aspect of freeCodeCamp is 100% free.

They are a 501(c)(3) donor-supported public charity. You can download their IRS Determination Letter here.

Every year, thousands of people who join the freeCodeCamp community get their first software developer job.

Code for Free and Get Certifications for:



Learn new skills, earn credit toward a degree, or advance your career at your own pace. Build your bridge to better anywhere, at any time, with free courses at Saylor Academy. Open the links below each course for more information about the course syllabus and college credits. These are a few of their best courses:

a. BUS205: Business Law

“This course will introduce you to the laws and ethical standards that managers must abide by in the course of conducting business. Laws and ethics almost always shape a company’s decision-making process: a bank cannot charge any interest rate it wants to charge; that rate must be appropriate. Car manufacturers must install hardware and develop new technologies to keep up with regulations designed to reduce pollution. By the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of the legal and ethical environment in which businesses operate.”

b. COMM411: Public Relations

“This course will help prepare you to conduct public relations suitable for small start-up businesses, international companies, political campaigns, social programs, personal development, and other outreach projects. There are many tools useful to effective public relations. As we review the components of a public relations campaign, you will learn how to prepare the key materials that will help you get the job done. You will examine what has worked for others, as you craft your own form and style. You may develop your own public relations portfolio including news releases, pitch letters, biographies, position papers, crisis communications, and other tools of a strategic public relations kit. You will accomplish this by referring to diverse resources and examining extensive materials from successful practitioners in the field.”

c. BUS203: Principles of Marketing

“In this course, you will learn about the marketing process and examine the range of marketing decisions that an organization must make in order to sell its products and services. You will also learn how to think like a marketer, discovering that the focus of marketing has always been on the consumer. You will begin to think about who the consumer of goods and services is, what the consumer needs, and what the consumer wants. Marketing is an understanding of how to communicate with the consumer, and is characterized by four activities: creating products and services that serve consumers, communicating a clear value proposition, delivering products and services in a way that optimizes value, and exchanging (or trading) value for those offerings.”


Google Analytics

Google Analytics Academy

Free courses offered by Google relating to a plethora of topics such as Google Analytics for beginners and advanced users, Introduction to Data Studio, and Google Tab Manager Fundamentals.

“Analytics Academy helps you learn about Google’s measurement tools so that you can grow your business through intelligent data collection and analysis.”

Start Now:

Psychology Degree

Potential Careers with a Psychology Degree

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior, offering the chance to explore unanswered questions about the brain, such as how it functions under stress, how it learns language, how it remembers facts or how mental illness can affect the way it works. During your psychology degree you can choose to specialize in specific areas of psychology such as health, clinical, educational, research, occupational, counseling, neuro, sport and exercise, and forensic.

For advice on finding a graduate job, download our free guide on how to find a job after university.

So, what can you do with a psychology degree?

There are many different options available to psychology degree holders, depending on your specializations and interests, such as:


Social Sciences Graduates

Careers for History and Social Sciences Graduates

Though this particular article is written from History Graduates specifically, the basic concept and ideas can be used for related subjects like Anthropology, Archeology, Languages, Classics, and more!

“Consider the Transferable Skills You’ve Gained

Think about the abilities you developed while earning your history degree. Jobs that utilize your strong research and writing abilities will likely suit you well even if they’re not directly related to the field of history. For example, you might excel in a position in which you get to research and analyze historical trends in order to determine the best courses of action. In such a position, you may even get to present your findings and make persuasive recommendations to board members, managers, coworkers, and the public.

As a history major, you also likely have a unique perspective on the world. You can easily identify patterns and relationships that other people would have difficulty recognizing. It’s also probable that you can easily discern between fact and fiction, and that you know how to communicate your ideas well. Your strong knowledge of the past probably means that you have a good idea of what direction to go in the future. Those are all attractive employee attributes to many organizations.

So if you already have your history degree and are deciding what to do next, then consider your full spectrum of job options before heading off to graduate school. You may see an industry that speaks to you and decide to complete additional career training that complements your existing education. Here are a few sectors that may be worth considering:

  1. Government administration and politics—Working in government often requires an understanding of historical policies and events, which makes it an attractive field for history majors. You could be conducting intensive research, preparing written and verbal reports, and arguing points intelligently and logically in order to persuade the public or other members of government. Examples of government jobs for history majors include positions like intelligence officer, legislative aide, lobbyist, lobbying researcher, political campaign researcher, urban planning researcher, and public policy analyst or researcher.
  2. International relations and foreign affairs—Appreciating cultural diversity and understanding how history’s economic, political, religious, and social events have shaped the world’s current landscape means that you could be successful in an international relations career. You could work for government departments, private companies, or international organizations like the United Nations, IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank, Doctors Without Borders, Greenpeace, or Amnesty International.
  3. Tourism—Working as a tour guide, educator, heritage site manager, or even as a national park manager appeals to many history graduates. It means that you get to share your love of history with the masses. You could also consider assisting municipalities and organizations with tourism development.
  4. Filmmaking—Many history majors also have a passion for storytelling. As a result, they end up working in the film industry. You could create your own small-scale documentaries that detail historical events or document your own research findings. Or you could go big and work behind the scenes to make interesting and captivating historical blockbusters. Becoming a filmmaker is a great way to share your love of history with the masses.

How to Sell Your History Degree on Your Resume

Having a history degree means that you may be able to read, write, research, communicate, and think critically better than many other job candidates. And those are abilities that most employers seek when hiring new employees. In fact, a National Association of Colleges and Employers survey found that companies want to hire people who are capable of:

  • Solving problems
  • Leading and working on a team
  • Communicating effectively
  • Analyzing data
  • Taking initiative
  • Relating well to others
  • Paying attention to detail
  • Planning and organising”



No Specific Degree Required for the Following Professions

1. PR and Marketing

“PR and Marketing is all about effective communication, and graduates from a range of degree subjects can excel at this. Being successful in this industry is all about thinking outside the box and coming up with unique ideas, so it’s often better to come from a non-marketing background in order to really break away from the norm.

Most marketing firms are looking for someone with a distinctive personality and lots of ideas to bring to the table. So if you’re brimming with creativity, and have a strong commercial awareness, then you might want to consider a career in PR and Marketing.”

2. Law

“Most people think you need to have studied Law at university to go on to have a career in the industry but this isn’t true at all. Every year hundreds of students take the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), a conversion course that catches you up to speed with Law graduates and will allow you to go on to further study and get a place on a law firm graduate scheme.

In fact, many law firms actually prefer students with a wider range of skills, such as those with a STEM or Language degree. There’s definitely no need to be put off by thinking you’re not qualified enough. Go along to a law firm open day to get a flavour for the industry and the kind of work you could be doing.”

3. Startup

Working at a startup business is an incredibly exciting experience and a fast-learning curve. Obviously roles will vary widely depending on the nature of the business, but often they’re looking for adaptable people who are able to get stuck in with a variety of tasks.

It takes a lot of gruelling groundwork to get a business up and running, so they want passionate, dedicated graduates who are dependable and creative. You’ll often be at the cutting edge of whatever industry your startup falls under, and it’s incredibly exciting to tread new territory every single day.


Fancy yourself as an Intelligence Agent at MI5 or MI6? There’s no denying that these are super competitive industries to get yourself on, so don’t get your heart set on becoming the next James Bond just yet. Luckily the subject of your degree is not one of the things they are particularly concerned about. There’ll be a whole host of rigorous tests to pass, and they’ll have to be certain of your reliability before you’re accepted.


Creativity is the key here, so as long as you can bring that to the table, the degree you have is largely irrelevant. Advertising is all about the battle for attention, so if you have the ground breaking ideas that will help the brand stand out from the crowd, they’ll want you on board.”

Source —

Coronavirus Recovery

Skills That Will Be in Hot Demand During Coronavirus Recovery

Skills-in-Demand: Data Analytics (SQL Analytics, Python, Statistical Data, and Metric Driven Critical Thinking) and Soft Skills.

Soft Skills

Many formal competencies will be necessary to ensure success during the coronavirus recovery period. But, as a budding business student or young professional, one of the most effective measures you can take right now is to sharpen your soft skills.

Ponder this for a moment:

Studies from Dell Technologies report that 85% of the jobs in 2030 (that will be undertaken by Generation Z and Alpha cohorts) are yet to exist.

To remain relevant and valuable during the coronavirus recovery phase and beyond, learning how to be responsive as well as adaptable is going to be key. If you are able to transfer your core competencies from one task to another, learn new skills or processes swiftly and apply creative thinking to almost any project or initiative, you will be priceless during the recovery phase and long into the future.

“The brighter you are, the more you have to learn.”

—Don Herold, celebrated writer and illustrator

By embarking on a journey of lifelong learning, you will cement a long and rewarding professional career. And, if you want to be a positive part of the COVID-19 recovery phase, you should act now. To inspire your efforts, read our guide to the global rise and importance of eLearning in the modern age.

Link to the full article: